Start your Reflections apprenticeship journey Complete the form to start your apprenticeship application. Reflections Training is committed to equal opportunities and we positively welcome your application irrespective of your gender, race, disability, colour, ethnic or national origin, nationality, sexuality, marital status, responsibility for dependents, religion and age. Please complete all the sections in this form. Personal DetailsTitle* Mr Mrs Miss Ms My Pronoun*She/HerHe/HisThey/ThemIt/OurNot SpecifiedLegal First Name* Please submit your details as shown on your form of IDLegal Second Name* Please submit your details as shown on your form of IDEmail (Ensure this is your correct personal email address)* Phone*Date of birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Gender* Male Female National Insurance Number (if known) USE CAPITAL LETTERS National Insurance Number (NI) should be 9 characters long. Do NOT use spaces. Ethnicity*WhiteEnglish/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/BritishIrishGypsy or Irish travellerAny other white backgroundMixed/multiple ethnic groupWhite or Black CaribbeanWhite or Black AfricanWhite and AsianAny other mixed ethnic backgroundsAsian/Asian BritishIndianPakistaniBangladeshiChineseAny other Asian backgroundsBlack/ African/ Caribbean/ Black BritishAfricanCaribbeanAny other Black/African/Caribbean backgroundsArabAny other ethnic groupsAddress DetailsWhat is your location region?* Bristol Taunton Birmingham Please add your home address* Address (include street and number) City County Post Code (Add space between 2 halves of post code) Legal ConsentLegal Consent is required if you are under 18 at the time of this application. I confirm I am under 18 Legal parent/carer name* Please enter your legal parent/carer name's email address* Emergency Contact DetailsPlease provide a contact in the event of an emergency.Emergency Contact Name* Emergency Contact Phone Number*Relationship Contact Phone Number 2Emergency Contact Email DisabilityThe Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a person as having a disability if he/she has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on his/her ability out normal day to day activities.Do you have a disability as defined above?* Yes No Legal DisclosureHave you any safeguarding or welfare issues that Reflections Training Academy need to be made aware of?* Yes No Are you subject to a child protection order or plan?* Yes No Have you any criminal convictions relating to persons under 18?* Yes No If Yes please provide details Have you been in the care of the local authority and classed as an 'eligible child', a 'relevant child' or 'former relevant child?' Yes No Course InterestWhat training course are you most interested in?* Hairdressing Barbering Learner Loan Pre Apprenticeship Programme EducationName of Secondary School* GSCE Qualifications If you haven’t received your GCSE results please either fill in your predicted grades or leave this section blankDate GCSE Maths awarded MM slash DD slash YYYY Your Maths GCSE Grade9 (A*)8 (A*)7 (A)6 (B)5 (B)4 (C)3 (D or E)2 E or F)1 (G)UDate GCSE English awarded MM slash DD slash YYYY Your English GCSE Grade9 (A*)8 (A*)7 (A)6 (B)5 (B)4 (C)3 (D or E)2 E or F)1 (G)UOther relevant Education / Qualifications Please start with secondary educationFrom (Year)To (Year)Secondary School / College / University etcExaminations taken or to be takenResults / Grades (Use 1 - 9 or A - G)Date Gained (Type year) Previous Training/ApprenticeshipsPlease list any course(s) which you have undertaken.YearOrganising BodyCourse TitleLength (Years) Supporting DocumentationUpload supporting documentsUse this field to submit a cover letter your CV or any other relevant document (4 documents max) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 4. Stand outIf you have any comments to add to your application please let us know.If you have any comments to add to your application please let us know.How did you hear about us?How did you hear about us?*Please selectFriend or Family (Referral)FacebookInstagramGoogleSpotifyEmployerNext Level WebsitePoster or FlyerPrevious Training at ReflectionsRecruitment EventOtherIf other please state*Data Security and ComplianceThe General Data Protection Regulations 2018 & Data Protection Act 1998 Consent and Certification of DetailsThe information provided in this application form will be used to process your application to join a Reflections Training Programme. Your personal details contained in the application form may be used. - In the prevention of the detection of fraud - To contact you with regards the programmes applied for - To pass on to partner employers to arrange workplace interviews - To register you with Government funding and Where this occurs you will be identifiable. The information may be disclosed to the following third parties: - Survey and research organisations (For monitoring purposes only) - Central and Local Government Authorities - Qualification and awarding bodies I, (print name in box):* First Name I understand that Reflections will record and process information provided in this application for as detailed above. I understand that this information may be used by Reflections, in complying with their obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. I am confirm that the information contained in this application form is correct. Signature*Please confirm signature date* DD slash MM slash YYYY Application forms and data provided therein of unsuccessful candidates may be kept on file for an indefinite period and revisited for Marketing purposes. Giving false information will result in your application not being pursued. Please note you are able to opt out at any time by emailing CAPTCHAPlease note that the form may take up to 20 seconds to submit. Please do NOT click submit again and wait for the completion submission message. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.