Sections & Cutting Angles

The blue line section runs vertically

Vertical sections can go from the centre front hair line to the centre nape.

This green line section runs horizontally 

Horizontal sections can go across the nape, across the crown or around the head from ear to ear.

This red line section runs diagonally

Diagonal sections can go from left to right or from right to left. They are usually positioned to follow the shape of the head.


1 – This section of hair has been lifted 90° to the head

2 – This section of hair have also been lifted 90° to the head

3 – This section of hair has been lifted 45° to the head.

4 – This section of hair is held down close to head at a 0° angle


Hair taken from the back of the head at a 0° angle is pulled up in the opposite direction at 180°


Section 1

Section 1

Section 2

Section 2

Section 3

Section 3

Section 4 (When pulled up in opposite direction)

Section 4 (When pulled up in opposite direction)