Finishing Techniques – Vertical Roll

A pleat, or French roll, is a vertical fold of hair, commonly worn on the back of the head. It
is most suitable for long hair, but can be achieved even with shorter lengths. The vertical
roll is one way of dressing long hair to make it appear to be shorter.

A Vertical Roll – Method
The steps for attaining a successful vertical roll are as follows:

1. Section off the top section from the crown to the recession area.  Secure the hair out of the way.
2. Back brush the remaining hair, smooth top layer into position, either to the left or the right.
3. Cross the grips starting at the middle of the nape to secure. 
4. Smooth hair and wrap the hair around to create the roll, making sure to cover the grips on the base.
5. When happy with the positioning of the roll, pin by reversing the grips back to hide them.
6. Now you can personalise the top section to compliment the vertical roll.

1.  Smoothing hair into position

1. Smoothing hair into position

2.  Back brushing

2. Back brushing

3.  Securing with grips

3. Securing with grips

4.  Positioning pleat

4. Positioning pleat

5.  Pinning folded hair

5. Pinning folded hair

6.  Personalise the top section

6. Personalise the top section

7.  The completed roll

7. The completed roll